Mon - Fri 09:00 - 17:15

Tenant Information to Guy Fawkes Night

It's almost here. Guy Fawkes Night, which is otherwise known as Bonfire Night. The annual observation of a failed terrorist attack is revered amongst us Brits as we gleefully trudge out in our hundreds every 5th of November to set fire to stuff in fields and frighten our pets with fireworks. Sounds fun right...

As one of the most popular and widely-celebrated days of the year, towns and cities up and down the country will be hosting large, public displays. But, against the backdrop of the pandemic, more people than usual are choosing to hold their own fireworks displays at home. For homeowners, this is perfectly fine so long as local council rules are followed. But what are the rules for rental tenants? 

The Tenancy Agreement 

The answer depends very much on the tenancy agreement. Many landlords choose to include a specific clause in the contract stating that bonfires or fireworks are strictly prohibited. But if such a clause does not exist, tenants are still strongly advised to speak to their landlord beforehand in order to avoid any potential conflict. 

 Even if there isn’t a specific fireworks clause, tenancy agreements are very likely to state that tenants must not cause any nuisance or aggravation for neighbours, and certainly not engage in any antisocial behaviour. 

Top tips 

Always gain consent from both the landlord and neighbours. If loud noise is inevitable, try and keep it confined to a short, previously agreed, period of time. 
Don’t allow the night to run beyond the specified time agreed with your neighbours. Fireworks can be very loud and are known to distress pets and some elderly people so don’t go overboard for the sake of it. If guests are coming, ensure they keep noise to a minimum if celebrating late into the night. 
Always consider any potential damages such as damage to the ground and consider ahead of the event whether you have the budget or resources to repair any damages that may occur. 
Consider health and safety for yourself and those around you.