Mon - Fri 09:00 - 17:15

Help for tenants struggling with Finances - Universal Credit changes 2020

Department of Work and Pensions ( DWP) has now launched a revised system for arranging Alternative Payment Arrangements, allowing landlords to apply to claim for rent payments directly for those tenants in receipt of Universal Credit that struggle to control their finances

Under new Alternative Payment Arrangements, tenants with Rent Arrears, or those that would prefer to have monies paid directly to their landlord can organise this through a new online form.

The new online form has now been launched by the DWP, replacing two existing UC47 forms and cutting processing time from over a fortnight to just a few hours in some cases.

Where some tenants struggle to manage their finances this allows a much simpler option for tenants, with their landlords able to request the housing element of Universal Credit is paid directly to the landlord. A welcome reduction in processing time, with the launch continuing  midst the Coronavirus pandemic, to achieve an important improvement in the process, helping those struggling with their finances


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